Analytics projects fail with adequate training of executives business & Analytics professionals
Analytics projects fail with adequate training of executives business & Analytics professionals


Analytics &

AI Projects


80% to 90% of analytics projects fail to deliver the expected results - MIT Sloan

80% of AI projects fail -Rand

Only 11 percent of companies worldwide are using gen AI at scale -McKinsey

This Does Not Have to Be True for You!

Vulcan Academics, LLC

is devoted to helping organizations counter the high failure rates, producing a larger return on their AI and Analytics investments

Data Scientists and analytics professionals take Leading in Analytics course to improve their lives
Data Scientists and analytics professionals take Leading in Analytics course to improve their lives

Learn More about our new

Self-Paced Online Course

Succeeding in AI and Analytics

blue and white striped round textile
blue and white striped round textile

Coming January 2025

education and training are important undertakings
education and training are important undertakings

Expanding the Call to Create Analytics-Savvy Organizations

McKinsey shared the answer with us years ago: For every Data Scientist in an organization, as many as 10 other employees- business process owners, executives, project managers, and others- need an understanding of the analytics process.

Stop sending just your Data Scientists to training, and Start sending project teams through Succeeding in Analytics!

Anyone in an organization that is using analytics needs training like Leading in Analytics
Anyone in an organization that is using analytics needs training like Leading in Analytics

Who Should Take This Course?

Finding success in analytics or AI by becoming a Data Driven organization is all about Culture Change.

Let's talk about your goals and challenges.

They will determine the path most likely to yield the results you need, and how Succeeding in Analytics can help you find that success.

Vulcan Academics Can Tailor Your Solution

With Three Available Tools

Leading in Analytics
The Book
Succeeding in AI & Analytics
The Self-Paced Online Course
Leading in Analytics
The Guided Online Course

Unlock the Power of AI and Analytics

in Your Organization

Contact Us